Project type:

UX/UI Design



Harmonie, a service that strives to help people cope with their hormonal imbalances

Harmonie, a service that strives to help people cope with their hormonal imbalances

Harmonie, a service that strives to help people cope with their hormonal imbalances


As part of a school project we teamed up with Reymedia, a company specializing in User Experience Design and Digital Strategy. With a team of 6, we worked together to create a user-friendly product focused on helping poeple cope with their hormonal imbalance.

The project

Our mission was to provide the company with research that relates to hormonal imbalance and also provide an example for a service that will help users balance their hormones. So we decided to make a mobile-based app that would motivate the user to tackle their problems. The target audience was anyone over 18 that experienced hormonal imbalances.

My responsibilities

  • User research

  • Wireframing

  • Prototyping

The Process

The Process

The Process


Conducted targeted survey on hormonal imbalance, receiving responses from 13 motivated women aged 20-60. Discovered insights: women seeking motivation, proper treatments, and educational resources. Identified effective coping methods: dieting, medication, and exercise. Aligned project focus to exclusively support women aged 18+ with hormonal imbalances.

Personas & Effect mapping

Based on the survey, we created personas and an effect map. Focusing on the "unmotivated" persona, we detailed their hormonal imbalances, goals, frustrations, sources of help, problems, and information-seeking habits. We then tested features through wireframes and decided our MVP would be an introductory quiz. This quiz helps the app understand users for personalized information, tips, and tricks on their dashboard.


To evaluate our features, we created a clickable wireframe prototype using Figma. We conducted remote usability tests with 6 participants due to COVID restrictions. Unfortunately, we couldn't find anyone from our target group to test the prototype. Our objective was to assess the quiz's clarity and user experience.

Based on the feedback collected, we addressed the identified issues and conducted two additional tests with different individuals, further refining our prototype. After the final test, we were content with the results and proceeded to work on the UI design.

Creating the UI Design

With the UI design, we wanted something that would stand out but still be minimalistic and not interrupt the usability. We used colors that complement each other so they could meet WCAG level AAA standards. We did this so we could be sure that they're accessible for anyone.

More testing

Before handing over the project to our client we did one more usability test to make sure everything was ready to be sent over. We gave our testers a scenario so they could put themselves in the perspective of someone who has hormonal imbalance. When all the testing was done we gathered the feedback and fixed the small mistakes we had made.

Learnings & needed actions

The most important lesson from this project was to constantly do research and usability tests. It gave us other perspectives and helped us get out of our own bubble, it helped the project become better and more user-oriented. We also learned to limit ourselves to prevent making things complicated and to always have the user in mind. 

When we made sure everything was ready to be handed over to our client we wrote a list suggestions on how they could further develop this project. We unfortunately couldn't continue the project because it was a part of our school project.​

Personally, this project taught me to have patience and to work through difficult and boring tasks, something I struggled with before the project.

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