Project type:

UX/UI Design



Creating a more user-friendly Volvo

Creating a more user-friendly Volvo

Creating a more user-friendly Volvo


Nowadays, vehicles come equipped with infotainment systems that users interact with while driving. Ensuring a user-friendly and safe experience is essential for these systems. However, some car manufacturers, such as Volvo, face challenges in achieving this goal.

The project

The mission of this project is to focus on improving Volvo's last-generation infotainment system called "Sensus Connect" and addressing user frustrations to enhance the overall user experience, ensuring safer and more user-friendly interactions while driving.

My responsibilities

  • User research

  • Wireframing

  • Prototyping

The Process

The Process

The Process

Methods & Materials

Methods & Materials

Methods & Materials

To achieve these goals, the following methods and tools were used:

To achieve these goals, the following methods and tools were used:

To achieve these goals, the following methods and tools were used:


User Research

Quantitative & Qualitative

Usability Testing

To validate changes/product

Competitor Analysis

Take part of existing research



Wireframing & Prototyping

Adobe Photoshop

Photo Editing

Adobe Illustrator

Visual Elements

Test Person 1

Dislikes the multiple clicks for seat heater, swiping between screens, and hidden settings.

Dislikes the multiple clicks for seat heater, swiping between screens, and hidden settings.

Test Person 2

Considers sliding between pages as less necessary.

Considers sliding between pages as less necessary.

Test Person 3

Dislikes swiping between main screens and accessing settings with multiple steps.

Dislikes swiping between main screens and accessing settings with multiple steps.

User Research and Insights

The survey I set up for quantitative research provided valuable feedback, revealing user frustration with the current swipe functionality to access different main screens. The three main screens contain navigation, radio, phone, vehicle functions, and apps, leading to confusion on which page they are on.

Qualitative interviews further highlighted the challenges users faced with the swiping navigation and emphasized the need for a more clear and understandable system.

Design Process

Design Process

Design Process


Based on user insights, wireframes were created to address frustrations. The clickable prototype focused on a redesigned navigation system, minimizing swiping between screens. Added larger buttons to improve usability & safety while driving. The user-centric approach allowed for iterative refinement and a seamless user experience.

Test Person 1

User-friendly interface

Easy to switch between apps and pages

User-friendly interface

Easy to switch between apps and pages

Test Person 2

Very easy navigation with few button presses

Large and easily recognizable icons

Very easy navigation with few button presses

Large and easily recognizable icons

Test Person 3

Extremely easy navigation, even for inexperienced users

Extremely easy navigation, even for inexperienced users

Usability tests

Usability tests with real users provided valuable feedback on the redesigned prototype. Participants appreciated the improved navigation and found the new design less distracting. However, some commented that the design lacked uniqueness, resembling other car manufacturers' systems.

Visual Design

The visual design maintains Volvo's design language, incorporating a modern and clean interface with large, recognizable icons and buttons for easy usability while driving. A minimalist color palette enhances clarity, and carefully chosen typography adds elegance. The interface complements the simplified navigation system, providing an enjoyable and visually appealing infotainment experience that stays true to Volvo's distinctive style.

Take me to the prototype

Take me to the prototype

Discussion & Conclusion

Discussion & Conclusion

Discussion & Conclusion

Final thoughts

The redesign successfully enhanced Volvo's infotainment system user experience by addressing frustrations and improving usability. Despite limitations such as time constraints and a small sample size, the project delivered positive results.

To refine the design further, additional usability tests and interviews with a broader user base are recommended. This approach will ensure a more user-centric infotainment system that meets users expectations and safety.

This case study demonstrates the effectiveness of identifying user frustrations, iteratively improving the design, and conducting usability testing to achieve an easy to use design for this infotainment systems.

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